The Official film office for suffolk

Screen Suffolk is the official film office for Suffolk, representing all County, District and Borough Councils.

We offer a ‘one-stop’ film service, from initial enquiry through to crew sourcing and permitting. We promote Suffolk’s film service infrastructure, creative talent and fantastic locations, all within easy reach of London. Our aim is to make Suffolk the most film-friendly county in the UK.

To apply for a permit click here and our fees can be seen here.

If you would like to hear all the latest news from Screen Suffolk, please sign up to receive our periodic newsletter here.



FilmFixer is proud to deliver this service on behalf of all Suffolk councils.

Picture Perfect Stately Homes

Suffolk boasts some incredible stately homes and grand houses and here are three of our favourites, all of which are available for filming now. Sotterley Hall Sotterley Hall is a Georgian mansion house